Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011

Demi Lovato Rockin , Pretty Style

And Now The topic goes To Demi Lovato , Actress , and Also Singer ! afte i get you some information selena clothing line now its time for her bestie friend ..
Woah,Woah , all of you must be know about the Camp Rock DIVA , yeah Of Course Demetria Lovato , Joe Jonas ex girl friend , she always have surprised for all of us , with her stunning style ..
Some times it rockin at stage but some times like  pretty cool ..           


Rockinn Style as always , dress with a jacket and with black legging , you know its simple but when we see demi wear this outfit its just like sooo amaizing ..
Waaaaa , whos like demi ?
Me,Me,Me,Me !!!

She never take seriously about what she wear and her look , just go in her own way .
Rockin , georgeus , she always consist with her legging and boot , and that was the different about demi and the other holywood teen style .

And i like to say “ Just go with your own style , because its the best way to be a beautiful ! Woaaah “

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